Performance Appraisal and laurels
10th Std
- Pass percentage on an average over last 5 years is close to 90% in 10th std.
- Average no. of children who appear each year is 200.
- Around 45 students get more than 80% (400/500) . The number is also on the increase.
12th Std
- Pass percentage on an average is again close to 95%
- Average no. of children who appear each year is roughly 200
- Approximately 50 students get more than 75%.
- Vigneshwar of XI Std receiving Kamarajar Prize for Proficiency for the District of Thiruvarur on the first year of its initiation.
- S.Sivaram of 8th standard student has passed in the exam conducted by the govt of Tamilnadu to ascertain student eligibility to obtain government scholarship . He will be given Rs 10000 per year by the Government.
- Kamarajar Award : Our 12th Standard students Vigneswaran, Thyagarajan and Vignesh bagged the First, Second and Third district toppers list respectively for the year 2019. Each of them will be recognized by the Government of Tamil Nadu with a cash award of Rs.10000/-. under Kamarajar award
Spell Bee competition - Final Round
- We, a rural Tamil Medium school, are proud to participate in Spell Bee Competition. We participated at the highest level. Three of our students won the Merit plus certificates, 8 Merit and one Appreciation certificate. We congratulate these students for their achievement.