Social Welfare Activities
Manjakkudi the broader perspective
- To develop and transform Manjakkudi into a model village
The means
- Conducting treatment camps for villagers addicted to alcohol. – (Alcoholism is a major issue of concern in rural areas)
- Creating awareness in villages in and around Manjakkudi on health issues like – harmful effects of tobacco, prevention of HIV/AIDS, suicide prevention
- Conducting medical camps related to vision care and dental care.
Addressing social issues towards ensuring quality lives
Treatment for Alcoholism
One of the problems faced by the school was children dropping out of school due to fathers’ alcoholism. This caused concern to the teachers and the Management of our Educational Society. Since 1989, regular free treatment camps were conducted by the TTK Hospital, another NGO. So far, 28 camps were conducted and more than 800 patients have benefitted.
Eye Care Camps
After treatment camp for alcoholism, the educational society came to be looked upon by the villagers as an organisation which can provide medical support and create awareness on medical issues. The society took the initiative to elicit the involvement of another non-governmental agency, the Aravind Eye Hospital in Madurai to conduct eye camps in Manjakkudi. Since 1986 the society has conducted 26 camps where 8,600 villagers had eye checkups and 1020 had undergone cataract surgery. The surgery is conducted at Madurai free of charge.